Friday, April 22, 2005

Graduate School

While riding the Green Line shuttle bus to the museum on Wednesday I became transfixed by a poster. Now, these posters, advertising various schools and various programs ("Learn Swahili, guarunteed") are all over, and I've never paid particulare attention before. But this one, for Suffolk University here in Boston (Beacon Hill area, to be precise), was advertising info sessions for the Graduate School of Public Administration, and within that school are a variety of specicializations including Community Activism and also Nonprofit Management.

I keep flirting with the idea of going back to school, preferrably part-time, and Suffolk offers this option (not all SPA programs allow that). Maybe it was the green color of the mail-in card. I don't know, but I have RSVP-ed this morning, and I will be attending an info session at the famous Omni Parker Hotel next Thursday evening.

Suffolk also has a campus in Dakar, Senegal--a Francophone African country (located on the northeastern coast of Africa--that upper bulge part, you know) I have always been interested in as a French minor. So maybe I could sneak in a trip to Dakar, Senegal too! I can hear my parents groaning ("Abroad? Again?"). It's mostly just wishful thinking, but it's fun to wish.

OK, time to get some work done.

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