Monday, May 16, 2005

Bad Hair?

So I got my hair cut this weekend at Fresh Hair in J.P. It's a funky and fun kind of place, powered by solar panals, which they are very proud of.

Anyway, I chopped my hair shorter than I ever had before, and the compliments have been rolling in. Now, I think the hair cut is just fine. But I feel the compliments are perhaps bit excessive. I can draw two conclusions: Either the cut really is absolutely fabulous and worthy of said praise, or my hair looked so bad before, that anything would have been hailed as an improvement.

To my friends I can only say: I hope it really wasn't that bad because if it had been, I would have expected that you would have told me (talk about your complicated verbal tenses).

And with that, I am off to my volunteer stint at the Elizabeth Stone Shelter.

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