Monday, May 02, 2005

The Beach in the Rain

Sunday Jon and I went to Crane Beach, despite the less-than-perfect weather. It was grey and cool with the occasional sprinkles of rain, but that meant we had the entire beach almost entirely to ourselves. Well, us and the piping plovers. They're an endangered species that are carefully protected at Crane Beach. There are also some birds that we named "sea ducks," not realizing that there really are a group of birds named sea ducks. However, none of the pictures on the sea duck page look like the ducks Jon and I saw (maybe Jon will disagree, I don't know. I'll keep you posted). Further searching on Google didn't yield any better results. Oh well.

Ooh, we also found an egg sack that Jon said was either from shark or perhaps a skate. How cool is that (and still slightly icky at the same time)? Ah yes, there's nothing like a day at the beach.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi. I'm a sea duck. That was me and my posse. Of ducks.
