Thursday, May 05, 2005

Persistent accounting vegetative state

Just as I began to recover from the newsletter (it's being sent to the printer--it's 99% out of my hands!), our delightful Board Member and accountant dumped all of these discrepancies she found between Development's bookkeeping and Finance's bookkeeping. Who is ultimately responsible for these discrepancies?


Not entirely, as some of these differences have to do with record-keeping changes made in both departments (although not in concert with each other), but as I'm the one in charge of the logging of these gifts--all of those source codes and solicitation codes and all of that record-keeping crap that make accountants get all excited--it's me.

I just spent an hour and a half (that felt like a year and a half) going through each entry and verifying it's solicitation code and any changes that may have occurred due to restructuring. And I'm not sure if it's going to make any difference tomorrow.

AOD (my supervisor) said that I looked as if my eyes were going to fall right out of my head. My headache concurs with her observation. If I suddenly become completely unresponsive to all stimuli, you'll know why. (If this happens, I suggest offering me Ben & Jerry's Half Baked Frozen Yogurt. Mmmm....... drool)

Actually--CONFESSION--I ate two cupcakes brought in by an intern (thank you intern) as a result of this finance fiasco, and I feel ill. So maybe in this case ice cream wouldn't work. In which case, I would be doomed. Doomed! DOOMED!

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