Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Total Loss

It's funny the way things happen.

For example, I have been thinking--for awhile now--about getting rid of my car. I only use it about once a week, and I could always become a Zipcar member. So, this past Saturday, I took my car out for it's weekly drive to go to Jon's house. While merging onto the highway, I suddenly found myself spinning in circles. Actually, while it was happening, all I could really think was: "I'm on the highway, I shouldn't have to turn my steering wheel so hard." I think I spun around three times, hitting the guardrail each time.

I wasn't hurt, but my car was--damaged badly in the front and back (lost both bumpers, for one thing)--and yesterday the insurance agent called to declare it a "total loss." I wasn't surprised by his proclimation. I'm still waiting to hear how much money I'll be getting--well, really, the bank, since the car wasn't paid off yet.

Anyway, so in the end I have gotten rid of my car, and I probably will become a Zipcar member. Just not quite the way I pictured the transition.


Anonymous said...

Jenny, I would really like to see you at synagogue this weekend.

Rebecca said...

Wow. That's not cool. Glad to hear you're not hurt! I saw the Zipcars advertised in D.C. and I imagine for the area that you live in, it's probably a good solution to the problems of car ownership. Too bad the transition was so traumatic, but I'm sure you'll be having fun in a Mini-Cooper very soon.