Tuesday, May 24, 2005

TV's Season Finales

Much to my chagrin, I'm greeting season finales with a sense of loss--instead of the indifference I wish I could profess.

I will miss my Desperate Housewives, especially the next day at work, when we all gather around the lunch table to gossip about it (the amount of confusion this show creates confuses me. It's not that hard to follow, and it astonishes me that so many of the really bright women I work with are so easily baffled).

I will really miss House. It's overtly formulaic--but then so are a lot of TV shows--but I love the characters, and I like the slow way it unravels their stories. The show's initial conception--I learned on Fresh Air last week (I think) was to be a medical version of Law and Order. But, as one of the creator said, unlike criminals--which have motives and back stories, etc--germs have no motive other than to survive. So to create more interest and drama, you have to develop the doctors and staff. Anyway, I love it. And since I haven't missed an episode all season, repeats will not be "new to me" (as the old NBC slogan went).

And next fall I may have to reschedule my social life around Wednesday's Lost (ABC is now my favorite channel, how bizarre is that?). Sorry Jon. You're my boyfriend and I can see you whenever. Lost only happens once a week for a few months. Even though I rarely watched a whole episode this season (damn my roommates and the search for the SI swimsuit model!) I'm also a huge fan of this show.

I've become a TV nerd (to the best of my abilities without cable. Oh, Daily Show, how I miss you!). I can't believe it.

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