Monday, August 15, 2005


I finally got the email sent out! To all 927 people! One of them even responded! Wow. That one response made all of those late hours of swearing and clicking worthwhile.

I'm on top of the world!

That will change tomorrow, I would guess. I have all of these projects to deal with--and I love the responsibility and challenge--but at the same time I hate the responsibility and challenge because I feel that I don't know what I'm doing! How do I know how to discuss our organization's vision for the purpose of the website? How do I know how to succinctly summarize our organization's marketing plan? (I think it would be easier to get a straight answer from Rumsfeld about Iraq than to find a phone numbers for an employee of the State of Massachusetts).

My job is this strange mix of the mundane and the seemingly impossible. I can be bored to death and excitably challenged in the span of an hour. My work load seems both manageable and impossibly huge! In short: working at a nonprofit is akin to the theory of special relativity. Everything is going fast and slow, growing old and never changing all at the same time.

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