Thursday, November 03, 2005

What was I going to post?

I logged on here with every intention of posting something.

I know have no idea what that something was. How could I forget in the span of a second? Less that a second?

This must be a sign that work is getting to me again. Not that work is really bad--I haven't been spending too many long nights or early mornings at the office, but there is a persistent bustle and three hundred projects in progress at once. Is it no wonder my brain is slightly scrambled?

I had to write bios/tributes to our two recently deceased founders to go in our Annual Meeting Program Booklet (why the capital letters? Because it's a MAJOR PROJECT). It's difficult to write tributes to people you've never met. I've heard a bit about them and read some lovely articles on them, but still, it's hard to write anything original. I wouldn't say I've plagiarised exactly.... but there's definitely some "strong influence" by the original sources.

I really feel my writing skills have been shot to hell. I can write drivel a mile a minute, but to write anything with substance, and to write it well, is getting more and more difficult. Ugh. I'm an embarrassment to English majors everywhere.... I used to be so precise and articulate (at least on paper). I labored over every word. Now I just don't or can't. Something is missing.

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