Monday, March 27, 2006

Sick .... with dial-up

OK, so my roommate's dial-up internet did not cause my illness (Jon did. Thanks.), but although I'm grateful for any internet, my sinuses are throbbing and I need something to blame. I blame you, dial-up modem.

I could have probably labored through the day at work, but I didn't really see the need. I thought it better to quarentine myself. This cold comes with the added effect of weird dreams. I dreamed up an entire NPR radio show this afternoon (and no, I didn't not fall asleep with the radio on). It was kind of like Wisconsin Public Radio's Chapter a Day but with music and more than one reader. It was pretty interesting; I wish I could have stayed asleep and listened to it longer.

I finally finished Europe Central! Poor Shastakovitch. I know the "love triangle" piece of the story was fictional -- a very effective piece of the story, I must say -- and that was probably my favorite part. Well, the whole Shastakovtich story line, really. I'm trying to listen to more of his music. I recently bought Symphony No. 7 (The Leningrad Symphony) and I'm trying to find "opus 110" (I hope it's real!). I wouldn't mind watching some of Roman Karmen's Soviet movies either, if there was any way to find them. "Shasta" wrote the scores for some of them , but even if he hadn't, I would still be interested (as Karmen was also one of the characeters). I might even pick up Shasta's memoirs some time.

But first I have to read Murakami's Norwegian Wood for the JP bookclub (what luck, I just found this afternoon on my roommate's book shelf), and then I want to read Tristam Shandy when Jon is finished with it.

And I really should try and finish The Magic Mountain someday.

But for now I need this head cold to go away (and by that I don't migrate to my chest, which is what colds have a habit of doing to me).

Ooh! I went candlepin bowling! If I wasn't on a dial-up I'd put up some pictures of my rad shoes and the tiny bowling balls. But that will just have to wait for another day.

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