Monday, May 01, 2006


I received spam from two more great names over the weekend:

Blowouts M. Muffler


Injured T. Ulster

I love surreal spam.

The Grand Cleaning of my room continues. I only have one drawer left to clean out and organize (that means I already cleaned three of them). And I finally got a new comforter and duvet cover. They are tres wonderful. I shall have to post a pic.

And the washing machine was finally repaired after being out of commission for a week and a half. This means I can finally go back to the gym! I was going to go before work this morning, howeverI slept late because I couldn't fall asleep last night. So I shall go after work and hopefully work out the kinks in my muscles caused by weeding in the urban garden plot.

And the work front: my goal is to get the newsletter off to press by Wednesday. And then it will be over! Wahoo!

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