Friday, June 09, 2006

Money Makes Me Happy

That sounds so materialistic, doesn't it?

However, when it comes to my job - development assistant at a nonprofit - money is everything. If our department doesn't deliver, not only does it make us look bad, it hurts the entire organization that depends on us (no pressure).

This week (month - year, really) has been a bit of a bummer money-wise. Foundations that have always said yes have said no, etc, etc. And then, what really pushed us over the edge into dire crankiness (the whole department was in a bad mood!), was this one foundation (who shall remain unnamed) who begged us to submit a proposal. They told us exactly what to say and how much we should ask for. It was a sure thing. Now, all of the sudden, they're asking all these weird questions and acting like they're having second thoughts. Basically, they're sketching out. And if they find some lame excuse not to give us the money, we're going on a rampage.

Or so we felt earlier in the day.

At the end of the day, long after I expected any mail to come my way, I check was placed into my hands by our (awesome) Administrative Assistant. It's a big check. Completely unexpected and out of the blue from one of our long time, "little old lady" donors. Just like that.

Suddenly, the metaphorical sun appears (in reality it's raining - it's Boston, after all) and everyone is light as a feather and walking on air.

Working for a nonprofit is a rollercoaster from day to day. Even on "bad" days I try to keep my eye on the prize and think in human terms instead of monetary ones. Even when I "hate" my job, I love the individuals I work for.

It's a pretty good deal over all.

[Aside: And I thought I was in a grumpy mood? This tree sustained some serious damage during the Boston Deluge of 2006. At least I'm not falling apart (and in a burial ground).

I'll say this for the rain, it does keep everything nice and crisp and green. (But please take it easy on my vegetable plants!)]

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