Thursday, August 31, 2006

Canadian Commune, anyone?

Progress is being made at work! I hesitate to get to excited as it could all come crashing to halt at any moment, but there is progress all the same. My projects are creeping onward (I just wish they didn't each require the cooperation of ten different people. Makes it so hard to get anything done!)

Now, if I only had letterhead ....

I had to ship off supplies for the printing of the annual appeal, and we're a bit short on stationary. I have an inhouse mailing to do (a few of them, really) but I'm not sure if I'll have neough paper.


The commune, in case anyone is interested, will be a self-sufficient, egalitarian community in the wilds of Canada. I learned of it from this kid I met on the street the other day. I was photographing a rose (no surprise there), and he took this as a sign of a kindred spirit. Alas, he has ten times more spirit than I. If only all 18 year olds were like him, the world would be in magnificant shape!

Since talking with him I've had desire to run off and do something really exciting and revolutionary and life-changing ... of course Peace Corps always leaps to mind, but I think perhaps I should set my sights on a Global Village Habitat Trip for starters. Anyone want to go build houses in an exotic location?

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