Thursday, November 30, 2006

Uh Oh, Jen's in Charge

I have been busier than a mouse in a maze full of cheese lately. "Annual World" at work is over, thank goodness, but more craziness has reared it's three-eyed horned head.

Our new President is quickly moving forward, brainstorming up new ways to raise funds and expand our organization. It's very exciting, but it means there will not be the usual winter slow down (that snow-covered time -- can time be covered? -- when I breathe and clean my office ... I guess my office is just going to stay a disaster area for the time being).

In addition - and most importantly - we're getting the new residence ready for residents. I have been spending most of my time since Friday (day after Thanksgiving) at the house, cleaning, repairing, painting, and most importantly, ordering around volunteers.

I love being in charge. Makes it hard to go back to the office and have people telling me what to do. (Jenny, make copies. Jenny, I have an unreasonable request and I need it fulfilled now!).

OK, so it's not that bad. But it is a difficult transition.

I like telling people what to do!

Oh, and in case I forgot to mention this in an earlier post: I now have a Picasa Web Album site. So go and admire my awe-inspiring photography. And my socks.

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