Thursday, January 11, 2007

Call me Disgusting! - but Organized

I have THE COLD.

I don't mean I have a killer cold that zaps me of all will to live. It's not a bad cold.

It's my cold. My re-occurring winter plague. I thought that with the mild weather I'd be safe. But apparently the stress of work more than made up for that. Also the desert-like conditions of Jon's parents' house where I spent Christmas. Humidify, people!

I'm constantly sniffling and coughing. I've become a phlegm factory (alliterative but gross).

In short: I'm disgusting.

On the bright side: I purchased a brand new, ultra shnazzy planner from FranklinCovey, the posh store in the Prudential Center. It's a bit hokey, really, but I love my planner. I bought the spiral-bound kind, and also a reusable red faux-alligator leather cover (which also has all sorts of cool pockets).

I'm in planning heaven.

Personal triumph of yesterday: TURNED DOWN CAKE. Yes, I turned down a piece of birthday cake. I feel very powerful. No stupid piece of delicious, frosted cake (with strawberries!) - ahem - is going to rule my life.


Anonymous said...

I have a question to ask. I would appreciate a sincere response.

Will you miss me if I leave? If one day, you realize you have not heard from rabbis in ages, will you be a bit sad? Would this blog be the same if not for rabbis, both friendly and undead?

I feel like it's time to leave, and yet I've come to consider you and Rebecca friends.

Rebecca said...

Rabbi, I would say (despite it not being my blog), that I'd miss you. Silly comments are always fun, and it is interesting to speculate how you stumbled upon us -- and were sucked into staying. (Care to explain before you go?)