Tuesday, January 23, 2007

A Few of My Favorite Things

(Ha! You will all now have songs from The Sound of Music in your head. Ha! Ha!)

Things I love:
Jane Eyre on Masterpiece Theater. I can't remember if I'm quoting The Dig or Entertainment Weekly, but: Mr. Rochester is the new Mr. Darcy.

The new Shins album: Wincing the Night Away

Everything on BBC Radio4.

It Can't Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis. (Birthday present from Jon)

My new scarf! It's scarf-erific!
From Knitting Proj...

(Yes, this ismy excuse for not listening/watching the State of the Union (SOTU). I'm going to read the text. Really, I am. That's way more palatable than seeing or hearing Bush. Besides, haven't the pundits already told me what to think? Even before the SOTU happened? I'm not sure what's worse: politics or the media.)

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