Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Cleaning Pays Off

I haven't touched my desk, but I have moved a lot of old files, boxes, and binders into the back storage area - which of course had to be cleaned first. It's not perfect yet either (is storage ever perfectly neat? Only if you're my coworker JB, but she's unnaturally organized) but it's a start.

Not only can I see the carpet in my office (um, ew? Maybe it was better covered with stuff) I have space on shelves! It won't last long, but it's such a miracle! Wow! Exclamation points! (Or "excitement points" as my second grade teacher Mrs. O'Something used to call them. She had braces on at the time; I guess it was hard to say "exclamation").

The real pay off of cleaning: finding a box of unopened Tony Bennett CDs. Playin' With My Friends: Bennett Sings the Blues. Awesome. I gave one to each Bingo-playing residence, two to Outreach for the Spring Fling raffle, one to a coworker who is recovering from a nasty cold, and one to myself because I'm the one who found the in the first place. So there. Currently Tony is singing "Everyday I have the Blues" with Stevie Wonder.

The only downside to cleaning: the dust. I feel very dusty inside and out (and I don't have my inhaler - my new best friend - with me. Oops. Oh well).

Ooh, it's time for lunch. And speaking of lunch: I've lost 4 lbs. Hurrah!

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