Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Color Charts - And Also Whining

Trying to match up the colors of our logo at work is no mean feat. It looks one way on the computer screen, another way when it comes on letterhead from the printer, and completely different when printed on our copier/printer in the office.

Then I discovered the Pantone Matching System Book. It's kind of like those color swatches you use for choosing paint at the store, except its for ink and in a fun little book. The only thing missing are ridiculous names for the colors (like wall paint - "gossamer blue" or "pale tangerine," anyone?)

Now to whine:

I went to the doctor's on Friday to plead for something, anything, that would help get rid of the hacking, lung-purging cough that plagues me each winter. I use the word "plague" purposefully, because those are the looks I receive from my fellow bus and subway riders and also from coworkers. Their thoughts hover in the air like my "germs"

Is she going to cough up a lung? Is she going to need assistance? Is she as highly contagious as I think she is? Why is she sitting next to me? Could we get her removed from the train?

Oh don't deny it. You all think I'm gross. I think I'm gross.

Anyway ... I went to the doctor and we talked it over and decided that an inhaler, some Flonaz to rid me of the post-nasal drip which also plagues my system, and codine cough syrup (wahoo) would solve the problem.

At least I thought that's what we decided. I picked up my prescriptions Monday after work and gleefully took them home. My glee was short lived and I quickly grew glum upon realizing there was inhaler. Just a glass bottle with a dropper and directions for mixing it with saline in something called a nebulizer.

Turns out - as I learned at Walgreen's Pharmacy (one of the few times they've been truly helpful) that a nebulizer is this big ol' machine with a tube and a mask - in other words, not the little pocket-sized inhaler I had in mind.

I'm trying to get this all squared away but it's really discouraging! I'm still coughing because it's still FREEZING outside and I'm tired.

There. I feel better now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Luckily for you, I wrote a poem to make you feel better. Here it is:

Roses are red
Violets are blue
You are nasty
when you cough

That is for you and I hope you like it
