Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I Have Time to Waste

I got an email from the Brattle about the Schlok Around the Clock 2007 movie marathon. It starts on Saturday at 9:30 pm and continues on until 12:30 Sunday afternoon. Movies to be aired include (descriptions courtesy of the Brattle):
  • TROLL 2 (1990) A young boy moves with his family to the town of Nilbog. Can he save his family from being turned into plants and solve the mind-bending puzzle behind the town’s name before it is too late? The Citizen Kane of bad movies (and not actually a sequel).
  • POOR PRETTY EDDY (1975) A homicidal Elvis impersonator kidnaps a black lounge singer (Leslie Uggams) for his own sick enjoyment. Shelly Winters looks on.
  • THE MAGIC LAND OF MOTHER GOOSE (1967) The Wizard of Gore himself, Herschell Gordon Lewis, attempted this attempt at children’s entertainment – and failed spectacularly.
  • THE TERROR OF TINY TOWN (1938) Let’s face it: Midgets acting like cowboys is hilarious. A true classic of the genre.

However, if that's just too much for me, I could always go to the 70th Birthday Party for Daffy Duck and watch two hours of cartoons.

Decisions, decisions. My time is so valuable, you see. I have to choose my time-wasting activities very carefully.

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