While I appreciate the 5 or 6 people who did shovel the few square feet of sidewalk in front of their buildings, really I do, they are greatly in the minority.
The rest of you lazy assholes (sorry for the profanity) - you million dollar condo owners - what's your problem? Are these four inches of snow (if that) too much for you? Normally I wouldn't complain since it isn't that much snow, but it's just warm enough to make it all wet and slippery - very hard to walk in, even in boots.
I walked on the road some of the time, but often unthinking drivers would speed by, sending up a spray of brown slush. My fresh-from-the-dryer trousers do not thank you.
Some of you are clamoring, I shoveled, I shoveled! Yes, you shoveled the steps to your brownstone, and a little path to the curb where you parked your Mercedes. Great, good for you. A path useful to one person - yourself. Am I supposed to shovel my own path a mile to work (1/2 mile each side of my subway ride)?
Here, Boston, in case you claim ignorance, is a picture of a shovel:
You can buy them almost anywhere and as low as $5.
You could pay some kid $10 bucks to shovel your walk. You might even shovel the sidewalk for the elder living next door. It only takes ten minutes to be a good citizen, a kind person, a neighborly soul. Give it a try. You might like it.
Or your wizened heart might give out.
Either way is fine with me.
1 comment:
Hear hear!
My trousers are besalted from trudging through road slush.
Nothing makes me crazier than those "responsible" people who plow the sidewalk in front of their property and pile up the plowed snow at the property line, creating a Matterhorn of snow ON the sidewalk. Thanks jerks.
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