Thursday, March 22, 2007

Cannibal Potatoes

Why did I think buying a 5 lb bag of organic red potatoes is a good idea? I vaguely recall going through a potato-phase a couple of months ago when we had intermittent bursts of actual winter weather.

But then I stumbled across the joy of tortillas (with goat cheese and sauteed bell peppers) and forgot all about the red spuds.

Tuesday night, in a rare occurrences of "what do I want to eat?" (usually I know exactly what I want) I thought - oh yeah! potatoes!. I went to the pantry to get one out, and wouldn't you know, the whole bag had gone bad.

Really bad. Cannibal

Not just a few little eyes but entire alien creatures sprouting from my potatoes! In fact, the creatures had grown to such proportions that the potatoes themselves were significantly altered - soft and withered. One even had a hole as if the inside had been ingested.

I realized -- to my horror -- that my potatoes had cannibalized.

I disposed of them straight off. The carnage was more than I could bare.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rebecca registered at the dollar store, isn't that awesome? I think we should get her some imitation perfume, or perhaps a box of expired cereal. What do you think?
