Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Clothes=Good / Nudity=Bad

In my continuing efforts to promote clothes-wearing (and bra-wearing, but that's another post for another time, with the help of my "bras are good" campaign co-founder, Lori) let me shamelessly promote

Not only does Threadless sell very reasonably priced T-shirts ($10/shirt), but they're all very unique designs not available at your local Target, Gap, Old Navy, Urban Outfitters, etc.

Best of all, anyone can submit a t-shirt design and anyone (well, anyone with a free-to-subscribe account, that is) can vote on comment on pending designs. The winners are printed up and sold. Voila. Shirts are sold in limited quantities, and shirts that are sold out can be reprinted if enough people ask for them.

This is not quite as democratic as, say, which allows anyone to slap designs/photos, words, etc on almost anything for a price (and also try and sell them to others) but for those who appreciate art and design, but might not be capable of designing their own graphic shirts, Threadless is fabulous.

Current favorites of mine include pillow fight, refrigerator running, and "in case of emergency break dance."

What are you waiting for? Put some clothes on!

(meanwhile, I have to go move. check ya later)


Rebecca said...

I've got the "In Case of Emergency, Break Dance" shirt.

I will also be contrary and post why Threadless isn't so great always. It seems to be a hipster signifier. It's interesting -- you can go to events, such as a concert, and see tons of people with Threadless T's on.

I'm not down on the shirts, but I think they're definitely a signifier for a certain subgroup of the population.

Anyway, Boston in less than 2 weeks for me! Woo!!!

Anonymous said...

I would just like to mention how much I disagree with this headline.