Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I'm Obnoxious

Finding Nemo is one of my favorite animated movies. And one of my favorite scenes is when Nemo meets the other "kids" on his first day of school. The last fish declares: "I'm obnoxious!"

That's how I feel today. I just finished my half-hour yoga session (I love working at a place where yoga comes to you ... excellent), I'm really energized, and I just figured out how to play "hot cross buns" on the emergency whistle (the kind of thing groups hand out so that if you're ever in trouble, you can blow on the whistle and people will run to your aid - yeah, right.) Let me tell you, it's not easy to play individual notes on the whistle.

I'm pretty proud of myself.

So, between serenading the office with "hot cross buns" and whistling the chorus of Chicago's "Does Anyone Really Know What Time it Is?" (it was on the radio upstairs - that wasn't my fault!) ... I'm feeling pretty obnoxious. I think I should just leave everyone in peace. It's after 5:00m, so anyone still here really wants to get work done. I don't want to disturb them.

I'll just quietly sneak out .....


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