Friday, June 29, 2007

Welcome, Jenny, to the 21st Century

Holy cow! I got a new computer at work! Wow!

I cannot possibly use enough exclamation points!!!!!!!!!! (Or "excitement points" as my second grade teacher - Ms. O - used to say. She had braces and found "exclamation" difficult to say. She sounds dorky, I suppose. But we thought she was the coolest. She wasn't 100 years old like the other teachers at the now defunct Lincoln School in West DePere.)

It's a Dell with a Pentium 4 processor and a flat panel monitor and tiny keyboard! It even has a CD-writable drive!

It's beautiful!

My desk looks so much bigger now .... and I shall quickly fill all my new-found space with stacks of file folders. (Will the paperless office ever really happen?)

To make my new computer look even jazzier, I still have my trusty HP Deskjet 842C color printer. Which does not garner an exclamation point. But at least I have a color printer.

I have a new computer!!!!
I have a new computer!!!!

(And yes, there's a dance to go with that)

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