Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Am I in Your Way?

From our dear leader: "the only thing standing between the American people and these vast oil resources is action from the U.S. Congress."

By which he really means: "Only the last vestiges of Congress's courage and decency is standing in between possible limited reserves of off-shore oil and lots of money for me and my oil tycoon buddies."

Furthermore, I stand in your way. Me and most of the country which is smart enough to realize that off-shore drilling is not an answer to the problem of our gluttony but only a small snack. Much like those bags of potato chips which look full, but then when you open them, you realize it was mostly puffed up with air.

Hmm..... puffed up with air. Can't think of anybody else that describes ....

Furthermore, I still don't understand why these oil companies don't start investing in new energy alternatives rather than go the way of American car companies: in debt and increasingly obsolete. If I had as much money as Exxon Mobile I'd try doing something decent for a change and fund projects to create cost-effective solar panels or wind turbines - or develope a fusion engine like the DeLorean had at the end of Back to the Future. Where's Doc Brown when we need him?

In the meantime, Bush, you're blocking my rays as you stand on the beach, drooling over the lost City of Atlantis or whatever treasure you think is out there. I'm not moving. Aren't you due for a month vacation? Go clear some brush and let the rest of us get back to work on the looming energy crisis.

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