Monday, May 23, 2005

End of Star Wars

I saw the last Star Wars movie--Revenge of the Sith, or whatever--on Sunday. I think my biggest problem with the prequels is Anakin. He's such a whiny twerp. "It's not fair. I wanna be a Master." His weaknesses which prevent him from being a great Jedi are just weak. If I were Yoda, I'd have kicked him out a long time ago. You don't see Yoda complaining about being small and green. Anakin feels far too entitled. Apart from being unable to convince me of the epic inner struggle between Jedi and and the Dark side raging inside Anakin/ Darth Vader, I enjoyed the third prequel.

Oh no, one other complaint: seriousness. The prequels took themselves entirely too seriously, with none of the fun of the originals. But my critique is nothing new. Other, far more qualified movie critics have said this already. Actually I'm surprised by the overall positive response. I think some of it is just wishful thinking. (Although, the betrayal of the Jedi--and their slaughter--was pretty moving, actually.) I just don't by Anakin's transformation.

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