Thursday, May 19, 2005

Printer-Surgery and Newsletter Rejuvenation

I'll return to printer-wrestling in a moment. But first let me take a moment to bask in success:

The newsletter is in the mail--it is officially over and officially a hit!

It's done
It's done
The newsletter is done!

May it rest in piece and I never see it again.

Now on to serious matters: Printer-wrestling

Most people are familiar with the scene in Office Space where the guys take the printer out to the field and bash it. Printer-surgery involves far more finesse (although inwardly, I fondly imagined attacking it with a baseball bat). Using a variety of custom-made tools (mostly custom-bent paper clips) and a metal fingernail file left by my predecessor, I teased out one piece of jammed paper from the bowels of the machine. I was hot, thirsty, tired, and my carpal tunnel was flaring up in my hand, but the procedure was a success. Currently LaserJet6p is resting peacefully and will hopefully be up running soon.

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