Wednesday, June 22, 2005


Perception is everything, and each person views the world differently depending upon his/her location at any given moment. This statement is a given, and yet I never cease to be amazed by the views of those around me. I personally pride myself on my ability to see the world from a multitude of viewpoints, but today I'm wrestling with the definition of "fun."

In walks AOD (my super). "The Institutional Advancement Committee has a request."

(Aside: I'm always worried when they have a request that they don't address directly to me. It means they want something BIG and are afraid to ask me. I could also tell by the way AOD was hesitating that it truly was going to be a trial.)

"What would they like?" I asked. I forget what I was doing at the time--something on the computer, of course--and I didn't even bother looking at her. IAC is always asking for something--usually the same report they asked for a month ago.

This is when I noticed the hesitation in AOD's voice. Not a good sign.

"They want a geographical analysis."

Slowly I turned to look at her. Was this a joke? There was a pleading look on her face. This was not a joke.

"Okay..." I said.

"They want two. One of all our consistence and one of just the monetary donors."

"Okay..." I said.

"I don't know if Paradigm has a report for that..." said AOD, trying to soften the load.

I stared at the computer screen. "I don't think so," I said. "But I'll figure it out. It'll be a challenge."

AOD turned to leave, and then said over her shoulder with a sarcastic smile, "They thought it would be 'fun.'"

"Ah..." I nodded wisely. "Fun."

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