Monday, June 20, 2005

Why Wisconsin is Cool

Hooray! Andy, previously known as the New York Intern, is back in action with his new blog: The Hanging Stranger. It's utterly entertaining--although there are no more interesting stories about trips to Chinatown--and is a prime example of why Wisconsin is a cool place. After all, it produced him, me, The Violent Femmes, Willem Defoe, Les Paul (the guitar guy), Senator Russ Feingold, and more cranberries than Massachusetts (much to Massachusetts's extreme irritation). And we're sensible citizens (usually) who generally vote Democrat.

The plain truth: we rock. We have Noah's Ark, America's Largest water park, and our own glacier. We're also home to Kohler, the people who make way cool faucets, toilets, and shower/baths (if you're ever offered the chance to visit the Kohler design center, go. It's surprisingly cool). If I ever become insanely wealthy, I'm getting myself a designer Kohler bathroom. Other things: Happy Days, Laverne & Shirley, Door County, and Harley Davidson. And our state fossil is the trilobite. Do you have a state fossil? And let's not forget the Fishing Hall of Fame, a building in the shape of a giant muskie. What's not to love?

That being said, I live in Boston and have no plans to move any time soon. I love living here, but I'm glad that I'm not from here. I fear that if I ever have family that I'll have to move back to the Midwest in order to save them from the insanity of New England/The East Coast. People here are nuts.

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