Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Oh boy

I got in a little early this morning, so I thought I should take a second to blog a bit before the work starts piling up (what do I mean, "start?" It's already piled. I had to climb over it to get in my office this morning).

I've been reading Fever Pitch and enjoying it ever so much. The book--unlike the movie with what's his name and what's her name--has nothing to do with baseball. Fever Pitch is a Nick Hornsby book about his life as a Arsenal fan (football, that is, soccer). It's a good time, and yes, Jon, I am getting weird little insights into the minds of the sports-loving male.

This past weekend was loverly, good weather and lots of fun. It was nearly ideal. We went to the Aquarium on Sunday, watched harbor seals and sea lions, the octopus, the giant sea turtle. We also saw the new Imax 3D Shark movie, which was OK but not great. There weren't enough sharks.

Well, I should stop procrastinating and start digging away at the pile of work.

Hi ho, hi ho ...


Anonymous said...

Do not even think of bringing a cell phone into my synagogue!

Knittyjen said...

What in the world are you talking about? If you're not going to make sense, please don't post on my blog.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I should have been more clear. I become very agitated when cell phones ring while I am speaking at my synagogue. Sometimes the people even answer them and talk. I am asking that you not bring a cell phone into my synagogue. I apologize if my original comment seemed a bit curt and nonsensical.

Knittyjen said...

What I meant was, what you posted has nothing to do with my blog or my post. I think perhaps, rabbi, you should get your own blog. Then you can write and rant about what ever you want.

As to your synagogue, I barely believe that you exist, let alone your synagogue. And if, as you claim on Rebe's site, that you live in the Baltimore area, I hardly plan to visit it--cell phone or not--any time soon.

Anonymous said...

C'mon home Bubbala, you've caused enough problems here...