Tuesday, September 13, 2005

"'Cause I've Seen Blue Skies"

Sorry, I couldn't help the Rocky Horror allusion.

I'm going on vacation! I just booked two plane tickets: for Christmas in Wisconsin and January in Florida!

Dance of joy!

And as if that wasn't enough happiness, I lost 2 pounds at "fat girls' club" as one co-worker's husband calls it. We started a Weight Watcher's group at work - which is great because for one hour a week we all get out of work to hang around and talk about ourselves - so I feel it's a noteworthy addition to this supposedly work-related blog. Actually, the entired group lost weight, quite an accomplishment.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Yay for you! Congrats on both accounts -- losing weight and going home for Christmas!! And now we can get together in December! Huzzah! And I am using too many exclamation points and will stop now.