Thursday, February 05, 2009

In Memoriam: Millard Fuller

I just found out that Millard Fuller, founder of Habitat for Humanity, passed away on Tuesday, February 3rd.

I am more affected by this than I can understand. I met him once, briefly, while volunteer in Americus, Georgia (the birthplace and headquarters of HFH). What do I remember best: he had really large hands. I shook his hand and it just engulfed mine. I have two autographed copies of one of his books because he misspelled my name in the first one, so he sent me another one!

He was such a lovely, inspiring, generous man. Millions of families around the world have simple, decent homes thanks to him. He built such a strong organization that Habitat for Humanity will continue to grow and reach more people around the world for many years. That's the kind of legacy most people can't even imagine for themselves.

For the full story, see Habitat's webpage.

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