Saturday, March 21, 2009

A Better Blog Than Mine

Rather than attempt my own version of this article, just read the original, written by Steven Samra for

Get a Job! (you bum)

"If only they'd get a job, they wouldn't be homeless anymore."

You've thought it before. Perhaps you've even muttered it a few times. But however pervasive this "common-sense" rationale for ending homelessness might be, "getting a job" is just not that simple for a homeless person.

Before we even get to the point of being able to afford a home as an employed and "productive member of society," let's talk a moment about what simply trying to get a job actually entails for the typical homeless person:

Read on!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would not take your cell phone into Rabbi Isaac Goldstein's synagogue if I were you.