Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Slap on the Gills!

It's hot.

I don't like it.

It is so humid, in fact, that I have a man on stand by with a dixie cup and a squeege in case I melt into a puddle of Jenny onto the floor, and I have to be cleaned up and collected.

It's so humid the air has tangible weight and thickness. I had to more or less swim to work.

As Mrs. Tall Matt and I used to say (back when she was Daughter of Snap-on Tools Man -- a very long moniker) it's so humid you need gills to breathe!

Hence: slap on the gills! It's summer in Boston.


Anonymous said...

Puddle of Jenny? That sounds delicious. Does it go well on ice cream?

Anonymous said...

Dolphins do not have gills. That is because they are mammals.