Thursday, July 13, 2006

There's Something Up There

It's very quiet in the office at 8:00 in the morning. So quiet, in fact, that I can hear the pitter patter of little feet up in the ceiling. Little scattered, scratchy noises as mice and who knows what else scamper around.

Are there grants for pest removal?

It's a little unnerving to hear all that activity going on above my head with only acoustic ceiling tiles between me and the critters.

Better mice than bugs, though, if you ask me (and you must have if you're reading this!).

It's been a long, painful week. Work has been slow and unsatisfying. Our attempts to bring in needed revenue are not baring much fruit, and there seem to be road blocks every time we light on a new idea.


But, on a needed happy note, last weekend (I know, it's Thursday and I'm just getting to last weekend), the swim at Walden Pond was excellent -- and I look forward to another one tomorrow.

Even better: Our trip on Sunday to The Museum of Bad Art.

I know, I know. It sounds too good to be true. But it is. A little free museum, began by a few individuals with a great sense of humor, to put on display all the art work you find at flea markets that makes you "Huh?" Check out the webpage (see link above). It's really quite hilarious.

I also need to give props to Franny B for sending me a package at work, containing a Sudoku puzzle book and a little book with cliched but amusing phrases along with adorable (and silly) animal photos. It has brought the entire office much joy.

And there's nothing I enjoy more than joy ... and documentaries about tapirs.

Word of the day: crepuscular, meaning active at twilight.

Token random photo:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Franny B's blog is full of LIES and inappropriate photographs of Jewish women. I do not appreciate this sort of mendacity on the Internet. She is not welcome anywhere near my synagogue.