Friday, December 15, 2006

Almost Normal ... Is is ever?

This morning I planned to write that my life was returning to normal. I will have my first weekend off since before Thanksgiving. I've nearly finished re-finishing the piano (pictures coming soon!) at the new house, and I'm nearly caught up at work.

Then a co-worker announced she was leaving - today. I was stunned. And, as always, it happened just as life was returning to normal.

I think abnormal is the normal state of affairs for my life.

I think "normal" should be stricken from the dictionary - and with it, abnormal. Why bother trying to qualify the undefinable?

More apt would be "common" and "uncommon." It is common for my life professional life to be in a state of constant upheaval.

And so, today, I attempt to remain on my feet (in a more or less graceful fashion) as life continues to shift around me.

It is tiring trying to maintain balance (and lately I have been quite unsuccessful, I must admit).

I look forward to my post-Christmas holiday break when, over 1000 miles away from Boston, I will be able to stand still -- at least for a few days.

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