Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Just Stop It!

People, stop killing other people!

This means you, World.

Honestly. I just read an article in Ontario, Canada's Hamilton Spectator. Yesterday gunmen shot and killed THREE CHILDREN who were on their way to school. Their father is an intelligence officer who is considered an "enemy" of Hamas. The father wasn't even in the car (so much for Hamas intelligence).

Three, six, and nine. Dead. Just like that.

There will, of course, be more violence to follow.

Hundreds continue to die every day in Darfur. Bombings in Baghdad killed and wounded over 300 people.

How is this supposed to solve anything?

Here's some more lingo for you: carnage.

Stop it, people. Grow up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why do you not listen to advice from helpful rabbis.