Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The Scourge of Lingo

Every industry, every job, has associated lingo. IT guys talk about ... OK, I don't even know what they talk about ....

In construction folks discuss roof pitch, the merits of Bostitch and DeWalt over all other brands of power tools, and the appropriate uses for 16-penny and 12-penny nails.

In institutional advancement at a nonprofit, I end up throwing around phrases such as signage and verbage.


I hate business lingo. I cringe at marketing words like "momentum" and phrases like "generating buzz."

I despise discussing "signage" instead of "signs" and "verbage" instead of "words."

It's a scourge! It's suckage!

I should be a mime. There can't be much lingo when you're a mime.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
