Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Brink of Illness


I'm teetering on the brink of illness, and right now the germs are pushing me towards the edge. I don't have an almost-sore throat, but I do have something in my lungs. I think it's whatever used to be in my sinuses, but it's still in the moving process because not only have I started coughing (in that charming, I've smoked 4-packs of cigaretts for 50 years kind of way) but I was also whacked with the wicked sinus headache earlier. But because of the coughing which started over the weekend, I got very little sleep last night.

Must. Get. Nyquil.

Ugh. Hold on, I need a lozenge.

Sniff. And a Kleenex.


Despite being mildly under the weather, I have managed to make fabulous updates to my org's website. I'm almost ready to put them online. I also typed up meetings minutes (why are they called minutes?), handed out fleece jackets to the staff that helped with the new house (I got one too ... they're neat-o), and attended a Weight Watchers meeting.

Yes, I'm going to WW. I shall watch myself lose weight. Wahoo. My main reason for losing weight: so I can wear sizes easily found on clearence racks. That's all I want. To be able to shop more easily. And it's healthier, I guess.

I have no comments on the state of the world today. I can't deal with politics when I have a compromised immune system - it's to hard to tolerate global stupidity.

Thankfully I have to leave early today for a haircut. Oh yes, I know where my priorities lie!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wrote a poem for you. I hope it makes you feel better.

If you threw a party,
and invited everyone you knew,
You would see
the biggest gift would be from me
And the card attached would say
"Thank you for being a friend"

I wrote that especially for you and I hope you enjoy it.
