Monday, January 29, 2007

Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!

Because of my job, I'm on a few nonprofit list serves. Often the messages concern things I, frankly, don't care about. But every once in awhile something interesting crops up.

Like this morning, for instance. I received a message about an upcoming "short film" film festival taking place at the Brattle on Superbowl Sunday. The Boston Cinema Census puts it on every year. Since I couldn't care less about the Superbowl - although, Prince is the halftime show this year - I think it could be wonderfully fun. And it's at the Brattle. And it makes me sound all culturally hip. Score! (and that just made me sound square again).

I also had a fabulous weekend. Jon and I saw MASH at the Brattle on Friday night, along with a nice warm dinner at John Harvard's.

Then, on Saturday, I bought - ready? - a TRAMPOLINE!

I assembled it Sunday night as soon as I got home (it was a Jon weekend, so I was at his apartment all weekend), and trampolined to my heart's content. Know what goes really well together? Trampolines and ipods.

PLUS: Part 2 of Jane Eyre aired Sunday night. It was most excellent, and I relished every moment. I will miss Jane and Mr. Rochester. Hurry up and get out on DVD!

I think I'm turning into a Masterpiece Theatre groupie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want to have you near me.
I want to have you hear me say, no one needs you more than I need you.
