Monday, March 12, 2007

I Have Persevered!

It is day 3 of me feeling better!

HA HA! Take that, gelatinous mass. I have vanquished thee!
You are no more, pulsating, multi-colored goo.

I win.

(Never fear, I have not yet disbanded my troops. The horrid creature feigned retreat once before and nearly slayed me. I shall keep a block of my finest assassins on hand, just in case.)

Meanwhile ... it's a gorgeous day and I shall walk home! I shall smile and breathe through my nose (ahhhh, the sweet, sweet smell of rush hour car exhaust).

Glad tidings to you all!
What ensured this day would be extra fine?

A bat, of course, sleeping in the Stonybrook T station.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will persevere as well and keep Fake Jon from posting here. I cannot believe what he posted before! For shame.
