Monday, April 09, 2007

Apt. Found!


On June 1st Jon and I will be moving to Roslindale (or "Rosi" as I like to call it), which is the Boston neighborhood just south of where I live now. It's a little quieter, a little less dense, and yes, a little farther from work.

I'll be a little sad, too, to be leaving the place that I made my home for two years. In reality I'm only moving about a mile - maybe two - but it's the strange and wonderful thing about cities (especially old ones) that so much can change within that mile. Plus, I'm a person who moves around on foot - or by public transit - and that makes a mile so much larger.

I'm really excited. It's a beautiful two family house, and the family who owns it seem to be very nice people.

I can't wait to post pictures - and better yet - invite everyone over!

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