Monday, July 07, 2008

Ahhhh ..... Vacation

Considering that I just enjoyed a three day weekend like most of the country, you'd think I would be well rested and refreshed.

That's not how I felt this morning.

I felt rather exhausted! Why? I'm not sure, really. We did do a lot of running around from here to there, from party to cook-out (oh, poor us, I know), but still.

I'm not that old.

This morning as I readied myself for work, I realized that no amount of readying was going to allow me a productive day.

I love my job, and when I walk out the door I'm happy to go. Those rare mornings that I'm not happy to go? Seems to me it's a good idea to obey that instinct since it happens so rarely. I'm a big proponent of taking "mental health days." This seemed like one of those days.

It's 11:00 and I'm sitting in my pj's typing this and sipping iced coffee. There's a load of laundry to hang on the clothes line, and soon I'll get dressed, hop on my bike, and run some errands.

I feel much better.


Jon said...

(Love, L-Bear)

Anonymous said...

(Love, I-Bear)

Kelly said...

Right on Sista!

Kelly - who spent the day at the beach, and hopes to do so again tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you took a day off and didn't even call your mother!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you took a day off and did not play fun dreidel games!