Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Jon and I spent part of Tuesday night at historic Doyle's in Jamaica Plain. It was great to be part of the crowd, cheering as the results came through in Obama's favor.

It's been so long since I've been really excited about the outcome of an election!

On the BBC website, a woman from Boston posted a comment about how she just wanted to hug all her neighbors because she was so happy. I kind of felt the same way. Riding in on the T this morning, I wanted to high five everyone or break into song or something.

One of my co-workers - who doesn't even work on Wednesdays - came into the office just to say "Hallelujah!" That was great.

Back to the BBC, they have a great world map where they've plotted all the comments that have come in from around the world. It's really fascinating. Highly recommend: Have Your Say Map.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for voting for Israel to be wiped off the map.