Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Corporations Over People

I am so upset. I just logged on to Yahoo to check my email when I noticed this AP news headline: "Court OKs property seizures for private development."

The only silver lining about this is that it was a close 5-4 decision. Oh I can't believe it! Grr. I wrote about this case earlier (I can't find it... maybe I wrote about it on my other blog), never thinking that the Supreme Court would actually find in favor of private corporations.

"It will generate tax revenues, thus benefiting the community."

Yeah, but how many tax breaks are the developers getting? What were they "bribed" with to decide to build a yuppie marina (such a community "boon," I'm sure) and yuppie workout center and yuppie restaurants. Screw the rights of community members to continue to live in their homes. What happens when one of them flips out and starts shooting the yuppies on their boats in the marina?

Of course, our foreign policy shows how good we are at making and maintaining friends. Why would we act differently on a domestic scale?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You might actually be surprised to know that the conservative justices are the ones that voted AGAINST that decision.

More importantly, I would like to know if it would be okay for me to slow dance with you sometime. I don't want to cause any problems with Jon or anything, but I would really enjoy a special dance with you.