Wednesday, August 31, 2005


I have been having such an amazingly good week thus far that when I look around at the state of the rest of the world, I feel almost guilty. With wars, famines, disease, floods, hurricanes, my happiness seems so small. But I'm trying to enjoy it nonetheless.

Why the happiness?

I'm surprised myself, really. I had assumed this week would be awful, with looming deadlines haunting my every waking--and attempted sleeping--moments. E-mail blasts, announcement postcards, financial reports... I should be depressed, stressed, and dragging. Instead I'm shrugging off worrying things about which I have control and getting caught up with old friends.

The best part of catching up with everyone, is that everyone else in "my circle" is doing well too. It's great--if only we could spread the joy somehow.

And--how could I not have mentioned this sooner?--Jon and I have officially been dating for ONE WHOLE YEAR! I went home after work last night and found a beautiful bouquet of red roses sitting on the mantle! They are beautiful.

OK, well, even if I'm not worried about work, I still have to do it!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Can I just say ditto?